I believe I've shown that there's a problem with how I'm calculating w(theta), but i'm not sure what it is. I'm going to just explicitly follow the example in the halotools docs and see where what I'm doing deviates.
In [1]:
from pearce.mocks import cat_dict
import numpy as np
from os import path
In [2]:
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import seaborn as sns
In [3]:
a = 1.0#0.81120
z = 1.0/a - 1.0
In [4]:
print z
In [5]:
cosmo_params = {'simname':'chinchilla', 'Lbox':400.0, 'scale_factors':[a]}
cat = cat_dict[cosmo_params['simname']](**cosmo_params)#construct the specified catalog!
#halo_masses = cat.halocat.halo_table['halo_mvir']
In [6]:
cat.load_model(a, 'redMagic')
In [7]:
params = cat.model.param_dict.copy()
params['mean_occupation_centrals_assembias_param1'] = 0.0
params['mean_occupation_satellites_assembias_param1'] = 0.0
params['logMmin'] = 12.089
params['sigma_logM'] = 0.33
params['f_c'] = 1.0
params['alpha'] = 1.1
params['logM1'] = 13.3
params['logM0'] = params['logMmin']
print params
In [8]:
In [9]:
from halotools.empirical_models import PrebuiltSubhaloModelFactory
model = PrebuiltSubhaloModelFactory('behroozi10')
from halotools.sim_manager import CachedHaloCatalog
halocat = CachedHaloCatalog(simname = 'bolshoi', redshift=0, version_name ='halotools_alpha_version2')
In [10]:
#theta_bins = np.logspace(np.log10(0.004), 0, 24)#/60
#tpoints = (theta_bins[1:]+theta_bins[:-1])/2
theta_bins = np.logspace(-2,0,15)
tpoints = (theta_bins[:-1]+theta_bins[1:])/2.0
In [ ]:
from halotools.mock_observables import mock_survey, angular_tpcf
In [ ]:
#This is what is currently in Pearce
n_cores = 'max'
pos = np.vstack([model.mock.galaxy_table[c] for c in ['x', 'y', 'z']]).T
vels = np.vstack([model.mock.galaxy_table[c] for c in ['vx', 'vy', 'vz']]).T
# TODO is the model cosmo same as the one attached to the cat?
ra, dec, _ = mock_survey.ra_dec_z(pos * model.mock.cosmology.h, vels , cosmo=model.mock.cosmology)
ang_pos = np.vstack((np.degrees(ra), np.degrees(dec))).T
n_rands = 5
rand_pos = np.random.random((pos.shape[0] * n_rands, 3)) * model.mock.Lbox#*self.h
rand_vels = np.zeros((pos.shape[0] * n_rands, 3))
rand_ra, rand_dec, rand_z = mock_survey.ra_dec_z(rand_pos * model.mock.cosmology.h, rand_vels , cosmo=model.mock.cosmology)
rand_ang_pos = np.vstack((np.degrees(rand_ra), np.degrees(rand_dec))).T
# NOTE I can transform coordinates and not have to use randoms at all. Consider?
wt_all = angular_tpcf(ang_pos, theta_bins, randoms=rand_ang_pos, num_threads=n_cores)
print wt_all
In [ ]:
#now, from halotools docs
#mask = model.mock.galaxy_table['stellar_mass'] > 10**10.5
gals = model.mock.galaxy_table#[mask]
coords = np.vstack([gals['x'], gals['y'], gals['z']]).T
vels = np.vstack([gals['vx'], gals['vy'], gals['vz']]).T
ra, dec, z = mock_survey.ra_dec_z(coords*model.mock.cosmology.h, vels, cosmo=model.mock.cosmology)
ra = np.degrees(ra)
dec = np.degrees(dec)
ran_coords = np.random.random((Nran,3))*cat.model.mock.Lbox
ran_vels = np.zeros((Nran,3))
ran_ra, ran_dec, ran_z = mock_survey.ra_dec_z(ran_coords*model.mock.cosmology.h, ran_vels, cosmo=model.mock.cosmology)
ran_ra = np.degrees(ran_ra)
ran_dec = np.degrees(ran_dec)
angular_coords = np.vstack((ra,dec)).T
ran_angular_coords = np.vstack((ran_ra,ran_dec)).T
w_theta_with_randoms = angular_tpcf(angular_coords, theta_bins, randoms=ran_angular_coords, num_threads='max')
print w_theta_with_randoms
In [ ]:
print rand_pos.shape, ran_coords.shape, pos.shape
In [ ]:
plt.plot(tpoints, 1+w_theta_with_randoms)
plt.xlim([1e-2, 1.0])
#plt.ylim([1e-4, 2.0])
In [ ]:
coords = np.vstack((gals['x'],gals['y'],gals['z'])).T - cat.model.mock.Lbox/2.0
vels = np.vstack((gals['vx'],gals['vy'],gals['vz'])).T
ra_init, dec_init, z = mock_survey.ra_dec_z(coords*model.mock.cosmology.h, vels, cosmo=model.mock.cosmology)
#keep a complete spherical volume
r = np.sqrt(coords[:,0]**2 + coords[:,1]**2 + coords[:,2]**2)
keep = r<=cat.model.mock.Lbox[0]
ra = np.degrees(ra_init[keep])
dec = np.degrees(dec_init[keep])
angular_coords = np.vstack((ra,dec)).T
w_theta = angular_tpcf(angular_coords, theta_bins, num_threads='max')
print w_theta
In [ ]:
plt.plot(tpoints, 1+w_theta_with_randoms)
plt.plot(tpoints, 1+w_theta)
plt.xlim([1e-2, 1.0])
#plt.ylim([1e-4, 2.0])
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
ran_coords = np.random.random((Nran,3))*model.mock.Lbox - model.mock.Lbox/2.0
ran_vels = np.zeros((Nran,3))
ran_ra, ran_dec, ran_z = mock_survey.ra_dec_z(ran_coords, ran_vels, cosmo=model.mock.cosmology)
#keep a complete spherical volume
r = np.sqrt(ran_coords[:,0]**2 + ran_coords[:,1]**2 + ran_coords[:,2]**2)
keep = r<model.mock.Lbox[0]/2.0
ran_ra = np.degrees(ran_ra[keep])
ran_dec = np.degrees(ran_dec[keep])
ran_angular_coords = np.vstack((ran_ra,ran_dec)).T
w_theta_with_randoms = angular_tpcf(angular_coords, theta_bins, randoms=ran_angular_coords,\
In [ ]:
plt.plot(tpoints, 1+w_theta_with_randoms)
plt.plot(tpoints, 1+w_theta)
plt.xlim([1e-2, 1.0])
#plt.ylim([1e-4, 2.0])
In [ ]:
plt.plot(tpoints, w_theta/wt_all)
In [ ]: